Coliform Water Test at Your Home in Haymarket, VA

As a homeowner with properties in the countryside, your drinking water quality may start being worrisome. One time

As a homeowner with properties in the countryside, your drinking water quality may start being worrisome. One time it may taste funny while in the next, it may have an unusual appearance. An investor who builds a factory nearby or increased farming activity can be a source of concern. You may find yourself pointing an accusing finger at the surrounding property developments.

A coliform water test at your home in Haymarket, VA, can be very helpful. Before we state anything further, it is important to ask why you should test your water supply. Water has many contaminants, most of which do not harm the body. However, these affect water quality by altering its appearance, taste, and odor. 

On the other hand, harmful contaminants can cause illness to you or members of your family. Skin infections and diarrhea are but a few examples, while death can occur in extreme cases. Testing for coliforms is one of the most critical. There are two types of coliforms:

  • Total coliforms: Soil, plants, and animal digestive systems play host to this microbe. Your water contains. However, when their levels rise beyond acceptable standards, it indicates the presence of viruses, germs, and bacteria.
  • Fecal coliforms: If a water supply tests positive for this coliform, the chances are that your water harbors germs capable of causing diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, and hepatitis.

For accurate and trusted results, enlist our help in conducting a coliform water test at your home in Haymarket, VA. We are always at hand to answer your questions while also helping you with sample collection and testing. The tests we conduct do not take long. Once we have the results, we email you a few days after the day you delivered samples.

In some instances, samples turn out negative for total coliforms. We do not stop there but proceed to test for E-coli bacteria. Once you ascertain that your water source has high contaminant levels, seek help from the Health Department in Haymarket, VA. They will assist with treatment solutions. It would be best if you implemented them.

Upon implementing, we advise that you repeat the test. This time the aim is to confirm whether there are changes in coliform concentration levels. If the water you consume comes from a well sunk in your property, no government agency will inspect and compel you to conduct regular testing. The responsibility lies with you. 

A coliform water test at your home in Haymarket, VA, is the surest way to monitor contamination levels. As a top-rated water testing laboratory, we are your best partner. Utilize our service, even if it is your first to do so. You will have a baseline before making it standard procedure to test every twelve months.

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